Methods for dry cleaning furniture, recommendations from experts

More than 80% of our clients order dry cleaning of upholstered furniture when independent attempts to solve the problem end in complete fiasco.

The consequences of unsuccessful “amateur activity” are of two types:

  • or everything remains “as it was” (and this is the best option),
  • or everything ends extremely badly for the upholstery.

In this article we will break down the basic “commandments” of dry cleaning upholstered furniture. We’ll tell you how to independently provide first aid to stained furniture upholstery, so as not to damage the material and not permanently fix the stain. Let us explain why you should not water stains with universal Vanish and why it is necessary to rinse the fabric of the cleaning agent.

Click on the topic you are interested in to go directly to the desired section of the article:

► What can happen when removing a stain using “chemistry”

► Why even a professional won’t give 100% guarantees that the stain will disappear

► How you can and cannot clean upholstered furniture at home

► What if you clean the upholstery with just water?

►What about Vanish?

► How to remove various stains from furniture upholstery: 7 basic rules

Before dry cleaning

Why is more than 90% of advice from the Internet evil?

In most cases, events develop according to the standard pattern:

→ something was spilled on the sofa or contamination was accidentally discovered,

→ Googled “how to remove coffee, wine or juice stains”

→ opened the first article with tips in search engine results,

→ did everything according to the instructions,

→ received a zero or negative result

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